Problem Statment

Design a cart that is safe, resilient, low-cost, low-weight, and user-friendly. The cart will be resilient by being strong and durable that can perform in multiple environments, extreme temperatures, absorbs impact and safely clears the ground. It will be user friendly by having free spinning wheels and will have a safe and efficient way to slow down and stop the cart. It will be light weight enough to be easily lifted, transported and collapsible. It will be safe enough for the riders, the dogs, and the bystanders. It will be single operant and be able to hold 2 average-weight people while being able to travel at speeds up to 30 mph.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Buying Process Begins!

The weekend was very productive with several critical purchases being made. The items purchased were all four wheels/tires and brake assembly. A final base frame will be designed with the following dimensions in consideration.

  • Diameter of wheels ~18 in
  • Width of wheels with brake assembly ~ 4 in (2.94in wheels only)
  • Axel diameter - 15mm
The top portion of the frame is also in the design process with generic lengths (will change with the final dimensions of the base). See below

In the week to come, the team will research the cost of material needed for the entire frame based on our design. 

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