Problem Statment

Design a cart that is safe, resilient, low-cost, low-weight, and user-friendly. The cart will be resilient by being strong and durable that can perform in multiple environments, extreme temperatures, absorbs impact and safely clears the ground. It will be user friendly by having free spinning wheels and will have a safe and efficient way to slow down and stop the cart. It will be light weight enough to be easily lifted, transported and collapsible. It will be safe enough for the riders, the dogs, and the bystanders. It will be single operant and be able to hold 2 average-weight people while being able to travel at speeds up to 30 mph.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Critical decisions

This week the team made a few critical decisions. With an updated gantt chart, the team realized they're were behind schedule therefore the following decisions were made.

  1. Round tuning was thrown out and square tubing was chosen

    1.5 x 2 inch
  2. Created a buying list for the following items:

  • Wheels
  • Brakes
  • Tires
  • Shock absorber
  • Tie-rods
For the coming week, the teams plans to have items on the buying list on order by no later than Monday (Sept 16, 2013)

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