Problem Statment

Design a cart that is safe, resilient, low-cost, low-weight, and user-friendly. The cart will be resilient by being strong and durable that can perform in multiple environments, extreme temperatures, absorbs impact and safely clears the ground. It will be user friendly by having free spinning wheels and will have a safe and efficient way to slow down and stop the cart. It will be light weight enough to be easily lifted, transported and collapsible. It will be safe enough for the riders, the dogs, and the bystanders. It will be single operant and be able to hold 2 average-weight people while being able to travel at speeds up to 30 mph.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Attribute Type Metric/Requirement Unit Notes
Safe  Objective # of ways to cause bodily harm    
Resilliance Objective Varying impact and Temp. Force/Temp.  
Low-Cost Objective less than $1000 Dollars  
Low-Weight Objective  less then 85lb Pounds  
User Friendly Objective Ease of transport    
Regulate Speed Function Accelerate as fast as dogs/80% efficiency    
Regualte Direction Function Change alignment within 5 secods Time  
Decrease Speed Function Decelerate from 30-0MPH MPH  
    Stopping must range from 50-100ft Feet  
Stabalize Driver Function Reaction force must be less than 2/3 of impact force lbf  
Secure Passenger Function Hold lateral force of 500lbf  lbf  
Attach Dogs Function Sustain tensile forces of 250lbf/dog lbf  
Transfer Energy Function Transer Kinetic Energy of at least 25%    
Absorb Impact Function absorb 60lbf of impact lbf  
Prevent Damage Function Components must hold 60% of yield strength    

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